Since 2022, I lead a first-year module which outlines the diverse backgrounds, routes, training and influences of key cinema creatives in contemporary Irish cinema. Irish filmmakers such as John Butler, Cara Holmes, Ross Whitaker and Ailbhe Keogan discuss their films and work process, their origins and inspirations. Cinema exhibition, festivals and press are a vital element of the cinema landscape and this course gives students the opportunity to learn about film programming and to design their own film event. Now in its third year, Cinema Creatives is building up a cohort of students who are making a significant contribution to film culture in Ireland.
I am Executive Director of the Dublin International Film Festival. I started my career in film programming in the UCD Film Society in 1989 while studying for a B.A.. After my M.A. in Film Studies, I started full time role as Administrator with the Junior Dublin Film Festival in 1994 and in 1995, I joined the IFI as Education Officer. I was director of both the Stranger Than Fiction Documentary Festival and the Dublin French Film Festival before joining DIFF in 2007. I started teaching Cinema Marketing and Distribution in Griffith College in 2018.
Your peers are your superpower. Use your networks, friends and colleagues to develop an invaluable support system. Develop your skillset by learning from your contemporaries, listen and learn as much as you can. It’s never too early to have a phone book of people to call and try to be the person people ask for help.