
In October 2020, The Creative Futures Academy (CFA) received just over €10 million via Pillar 3 of The Human Capital Initiative, an initiative of the Higher Education Authority, Future Jobs Ireland and the Programme for Government.

About the Human Capital Initiative

We are funded by the Human Capital Initiative, which is part of the Higher Education Authority’s Future Jobs Ireland programme within the Programme for Government.

The goal of the Human Capital Initiative is to enable all of us to find the skills, resources and learning we need to innovate, grow practice and respond to change. It aims to give opportunities for upskilling, deeper learning and provides access to priority skills needs.

Referencing research by the Skills and Labour Market Research Unit, the Regional Skills Fora, the NTF Advisory Group, and the Expert Group on Future Skills Needs, a key element of the Initiative is to re-think how higher education works, so that we can all continue to learn throughout our lives and careers, while putting that knowledge to use for our futures.

This phase of our project has been supported until 1 April 2025.

Our Funders