CFA Creative Attributes Framework

CAF is a tool that can be used to support the planning and development of programmes in the creative arts and also empowers learners to connect the curriculum to professional practice.

The Creative Attributes Framework (CAF) can be used to:

support the design and development of classes, modules and programmes in the creative arts
help articulate and connect curriculum to professional practice
demonstrate how learners continuously develop and prepare for their professional careers.

We envisage this as an agile framework that can adapt to future needs, one that can nurture and empower our creative and cultural leaders.

Who can use it?

The CAF is intended as a flexible and responsive tool that is open to a diverse range of uses.

The CAF can be used by educators in the creative arts to support the planning, running and evaluation of their classes, modules, seminars, workshops and more. Some educators may wish to use it with students to facilitate self-assessment or co-creation of learning. Other’s may wish to use it in a very personal way, as a touchstone they turn to sporadically in order to reflexively sense-check their teaching and learning activities. It can be used as a visual aide in modules – to explain to students how and why a module has been designed in a certain way, or used within a team of educators to map attributes across a programme.

The CAF also demonstrates the abilities and strengths that learners possess from studying a creative curriculum. These attributes are all transferable no matter the career path of the learner, and helps graduates connect the dots from the curriculum to professional practice.

How does it work?

Why and how was the CAF developed?

The Creative Attributes Framework (CAF) was developed to support academics in the development of modules and learning outcomes. It is intended as a device to help ensure that core attributes, required by creative practitioners are considered as part of the teaching and learning development process.

Creative Futures Academy engaged M-CO in 2021, to undertake research and facilitate a consultation process with key stakeholders, artists, creative and cultural organisations and industry experts to explore what a Creative Attributes Framework might encompass. This resulted in a report based with a series of recommendations and a draft framework. A sub-committee, comprised of three academic leads, each representing one of the CFA partner-institutions, was established to interrogate the findings and to finalise the attributes framework. The framework forms part of CFA’s pedagogic development practice, its use and effectiveness will be evaluated on an ongoing basis.

Download the Creative Attributes Framework PDF