Fiona King is a lecturer and researcher who leads the Professional Master of Education (PME) programme in the School of Education at the National College of Art and Design. Fiona has over 20 years extensive teaching experience at both second and third level in the field of visual arts and gallery education. She has worked as a lecturer in Initial Teacher Education across several third level institutes including, Trinity College Dublin; Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education, Maynooth University; Marino Institute of Education (MIE) and as interim co-ordinator of the Ubuntu Network within the Dept. of Education & Professional Studies, University of Limerick.
Along with her colleague, Tony Murphy, Fiona is joint programme leader of the Change Lab in NCAD, an artist-teacher led research and pedagogical initiative. The Change Lab involves locating Global Citizenship Education within the heart of learning in Year 2 of the PME programme, https://thechangelab.ie/. Through her work as a researcher in NCAD and as a member of the Ubuntu Network she has published and presented her research at both national and international educational conferences, including the Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI), The Five Nations Conference and The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER). Her current research interests are two-fold, firstly to explore the role of the gallery as a pedagogical site to foster artist, teacher, researcher identity on the PME programme. Secondly, to consider how occupying this tripartite identity can serve as a lens to inform a more critical framing of the student teachers’ conceptualisation of the post primary Visual Art curriculum.