Project Arts Centre is looking for people based in Dublin City Centre who are members and allies of the LGBTQIA+ community, to join artist Louis Haugh on a period of practice-led research centered around Queer Ecologies. We are especially welcoming of people with a passion for creativity, whether you have an artistic practice or not, as well as those interested in ecology, community, and activism.
Queer Ecology is a term used to express a variety of alternative methods and approaches that are possible when it comes to considering ecology. The natural world is full of things that don’t fit a set binary and the study of queer ecology celebrates these shifts away from traditional perspectives.
Starting on April 10th, we will meet approximately eight times over a twelve-week period in Project Arts Centre, with the possibility of other close by meeting locations in the city, TBC. These sessions will be informal and very inclusive and the activities will range from ecology research, creative workshops, balcony gardening and collective readings.