IADT will be hosting this year’s annual International Graphic Novels and Comics Conference in the Lexicon Library from June 29th to July 1st.
This conference examines how contemporary challenges to conscience, ethics, morality, and responsibility prompt us to think about texts, examples, and representation, or to approach or rethink debates and conflicts in comics studies?
Hosted by IADT with support from the Creative Futures Academy (CFA) in association with Studies in Comics (Intellect) and the Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics (Routledge).
A wide range of topics will be discussed by comics scholars from all over the world – at the Lexicon itself and as part of a parallel online strand – over the three days.
Spaces for the in-person component of the conference are limited but registration is free.
Keynote speakers
José Alaniz is Professor in the Departments of Slavic Languages & Literatures and Cinema & Media Studies at the University of Washington, Seattle. He is the author of Komiks: Comic Art in Russia and Death, Disability, and the Superhero: The Silver Age and Beyond. In 2022 he published Resurrection: Comics in Post-Soviet Russia.
Jeet Heer is is a Canadian author, comics critic, literary critic, and journalist. He is a columnist at The Nation, and is author of In Love with Art: Françoise Mouly’s Adventures in Comics with Art Spiegelman, and is co-editor, with Chris Ware and Chris Oliveros, of the Walt and Skeezix series for Fantagraphics.