Code of Conduct

NCAD, IADT and UCD. Becoming a member of this community means that you are part of a unique, diverse and vibrant environment. CFA students will have the opportunity to undertake learning in each of the three campuses. Respect for others, high standards of personal responsibility and integrity are expected of all those undertaking courses.

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Access Policies

The overarching principles of good conduct are as follows:

Respect: A culture which protects the dignity and respect of everyone and which supports your right to study in an environment which is free from discrimination, bullying, harassment and sexual harassment.

Responsibility: You are expected to act in a responsible way and take responsibility for your conduct.

Integrity: Valuing honesty in your scholarship. Working independently, expressing original ideas, and appropriately acknowledging the ideas of others.

Code of Conduct

For the purposes of Creative Futures Academy, the Code of Conduct of the relevant institution where study is being undertaken will apply. This means the following:

Students undertaking CFA courses must familiarise themselves with and adhere to the relevant institutions Code

The process for dealing with any breaches will align to the procedure within the Institution where the breach of conduct took place.

Any breaches in conduct by a staff member will align with procedures of the contracting institution.

NCAD Policies

IADT Policies

UCD Policies