Welcome to the Creative Futures Academy (CFA) at the National College of Art and Design (NCAD). Your journey with CFA@NCAD is the next step to building your dream career in the creative sector.
Our courses create an environment for critical enquiry, radical experimentation and creative learning, helping our students to address many of the real challenges confronting society, culture and contemporary business. Below, we have selected some key information to let you know about the supports available to make your journey straightforward and fully-rounded.
If you have any other questions during your time with us please contact: ncad@creativefuturesacademy.ie
All full-time and part-time students must register annually. Registration is made online. Students may pay their fees online by logging into My NCAD with their student number and password.
Detailed information about tuition fees and the student
contribution charge is available here: Fees – National College of Art and Design
Welcome to the NCAD Academic Affairs and Student Services team. The team encompasses Student Services and Admissions, Academic Affairs and Student Support. We are here to support you to succeed in your studies at NCAD.
You can find us at the Student Information Desk, which is located just off the Student Concourse. The Student Information Desk is your first port of call for any questions relating to your studies at NCAD. The team can help you with questions you might have about your registration or fees; issue letters confirming registration; reissue student cards and help with a range of other issues you might encounter during your time at NCAD.
The Student Information Desk is open between 10am-1pm and 2pm-4pm Monday to Friday during term time, or you can email information@ncad.ie
All full-time and part-time students must register annually. Registration is made online. Students may pay their fees
online by logging into My NCAD with their student number and password.
Detailed information about tuition fees and the student contribution charge is available here: Fees – National College of Art and Design
You will receive a student card when you register. You will need this to use the Library and photocopiers on campus. If you lose your card, you can ask for a replacement at the Student Information Desk. It will cost €15 to issue a new card, so look after it carefully.
NCAD provides a medical and nursing service which is open to all registered students. This service is in addition to your
own family GP or specialist healthcare provider. Outside of COVID restrictions, the Doctor is located on the second floor in Harry Clarke House. The Nurse is located at the Thomas Court Medical Centre. Medical services are currently by phone only and are available three days a week
at the following times:
Tuesdays 2:00pm – 4:30pm Doctor (female)
Wednesdays 9:00am – 11:30am Advanced nurse
Fridays 9:30am to 12:00pm Doctor (male)
The GP Service and Advanced nurse can provide emergency care and give confidential professional advice. Student health records do not form part of their academic records.
You can make an appointment with the GP or the Advanced Nurse by visiting the Student Information Desk or by calling
01 636 4200.
There is a €10.00 charge to see the Doctor and this charge must be paid before your appointment can be confirmed. Students who receive an Access Grant are exempt from the charge and the fee is waived if the appointment is a repeat consultation for the same condition within two weeks.
If you need to collect a prescription, the Thomas Street Pharmacy offers a 10% discount on NCAD prescriptions to all students of the College. The pharmacy is across the road from the main entrance to the College.